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Rebecca Krumel

Licensed Balanced Body Pilates Instructor, Certified GYROTONIC® method trainer, and GYROKINESIS® trainer

About Rebecca:

Rebecca is a professional dancer and choreographer, as well as a licensed and certified Balanced Body Pilates instructor, certified GYROTONIC® method trainer, and GYROKINESIS® trainer, practicing in the Tallahassee area. 

Raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Rebecca grew up training as a classical ballet dancer. She has performed professionally with the Boston Ballet, Columbia City Ballet, and USC Dance Company, and has taught in dance schools throughout South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and New Mexico. She holds a B.A. in English & Dance Performance and Choreography from the Univeversity of South Carolina, and an M.F.A. in Dance from Florida State University.    

Rebecca is passionate about enhancing any body's performance and functionality through full body exercise. The Gyrotonic Method focuses on increasing strength, mobility, and flexibility in the spine, limbs, and joints. She also uses principles of Pilates and dance science for conditioning and injury prevention, and is eager to extend this knowledge to people from all walks of life and activity levels. Rebecca believes that our physical, mental and spiritual health are intertwined. When we take care of our physical bodies, we are able to care for our mental and spiritual health as well.

To contact Rebecca about her services, please contact her by phone at (505)-321-6132 or by email For more information, visit her website at

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