About Us
Abundance Wellness Center has many gifted and established therapists, coaches, and instructors.
We offfer a wide variety of holistic healing treatments such as:
Therapeutic Deep Tissue, Medical and Sports, Relaxing Swedish, Cupping, TMJ Dysfunction/Syndrome, CranioSacral Therapy, Foot Reflexology, Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular, Somassage, Feldenkrais Method, Structural Integration, Manual Lymph Drainage, Thai Yoga Massage, Trauma Touch Therapy, and Hot Stone. Other healing modalities are also offered, including energy medicine, Reiki Healing, meditation courses, aromatherapy, and sound therapy.
Looking for fitness or movement? Join us for a variety of classes including Gyrotonic Sessions, Gyrokinesis classes, Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement, Hatha yoga, EZ Yoga Ladies, Flow yoga, Kundalini yoga (as taught by Yogi Bhajan), and Zumba!
We also seek to serve the community in hosting workshops, events, and lectures.
In addition, we offer CEU classes for Massage Therapists.

Map and Directions
Directions from Meridian Road
Go west on John Knox Road to Trousdell Gymnastics Center (on the right). Turn left at the traffic signal into the Woodcrest Office Park, stay in the left lane. Go straight after the stop sign and at the yield sign turn immediately left into our parking lot. You will see our sign and building "T' the Abundance Wellness Center Building.
Directions from North Monroe Street
Go east on John Knox Road to Trousdell Gymnastics Center (on the left). Turn right at the traffic signal into the Woodcrest Office Park, stay in the left lane. Go straight after the stop sign and at the yield sign turn immediately left into our parking lot. You will see our sign and building "T' the Abundance Wellness Center Building.
Directions from Interstate 10
Take Exit 199US-27 S/N Monroe into Tallahassee. Travel north on North Monroe Street to John Knox Road. Turn right onto John Knox Road to Trousdell Gymnastics Center (on the left). Turn right at the traffic signal into Woodcrest Office Park, stay in the left lane. Go straight after the stop sign and at the yield sign turn immediately left into our parking lot. You will see our sign and building "T' the Abundance Wellness Center Building.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you.
PLEASE NOTE: Our practitioners and instructors are independent contractors. Please contact them individually for all inquiries regarding scheduling appointments, attending classes, and any further information.
325 John Knox Road, Building T
Tallahassee, FL 32303
E-mail: awctally@gmail.com